Gene Score gda Association Type Type Original DB Sentence supporting the association PMID PMID Year
Entrez Id: 7076
Gene Symbol: TIMP1
0.560 Biomarker disease BEFREE TIMP1 promotes multi-walled carbon nanotube-induced lung fibrosis by stimulating fibroblast activation and proliferation. 27852133 2017
Entrez Id: 7076
Gene Symbol: TIMP1
0.560 Biomarker disease BEFREE IL-33 can regulate deposition of ECM and promote the process of pulmonary fibrosis by inducing the imbalance between MMP-9 and TIMP-1. 29417309 2018
Entrez Id: 7076
Gene Symbol: TIMP1
0.560 Biomarker disease CTD_human In conclusion, unbalanced MMP/TIMP-1 expression and excessive gelatinolytic activity contribute to PQ-induced pulmonary fibrosis. 21468558 2011
Entrez Id: 7076
Gene Symbol: TIMP1
0.560 Therapeutic disease RGD Inhibitory effects of alkaline extract of Citrus reticulata on pulmonary fibrosis. 23318412 2013
Entrez Id: 7076
Gene Symbol: TIMP1
0.560 AlteredExpression disease BEFREE Intranasal administration of curcumin significantly inhibited airway inflammation and pulmonary fibrosis, where MMP-9 activities were decreased along with α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), MMP-9, TIMP-1, and eotaxin expressions. 27866296 2017
Entrez Id: 7076
Gene Symbol: TIMP1
0.560 Biomarker disease BEFREE MMP-2, MMP-9, and TIMP-1 accumulation were quantified to evaluate the lung fibrosis exposure to PQ. 26129822 2016
Entrez Id: 7076
Gene Symbol: TIMP1
0.560 Biomarker disease BEFREE OCA administration, even after the establishment of PF, significantly improved pulmonary function, normalizing PAO, and reverted the bleomycin-induced lung alterations, with significant reduction of markers of inflammation (CD206, COX2, HIF1, IL1β, MCP1), epithelial proliferation (CTGF, PDGFa) and fibrosis (COL1A1, COL3A1, ET1, FN1, MMPs, αSMA, SNAIs, TGFβ1, TIMPs). 29923060 2019
Entrez Id: 7076
Gene Symbol: TIMP1
0.560 AlteredExpression disease BEFREE These results demonstrate that FBP may prevent bleomycin-induced PF development through reduced expression of collagen and other ECM components mediated by a reduced TIMP-1 and MMP2 expression. 31509566 2019