Gene Score gda Association Type Type Original DB Sentence supporting the association PMID PMID Year
Entrez Id: 9439
Gene Symbol: MED23
0.100 GeneticVariation phenotype CLINVAR Five novel mutations in ARG1 gene in Chinese patients of argininemia. 23859858 2013
Entrez Id: 383
Gene Symbol: ARG1
1.000 GeneticVariation phenotype CLINVAR Functional consequences of the G235R mutation in liver arginase leading to hyperargininemia. 11883902 2002
Entrez Id: 9439
Gene Symbol: MED23
0.100 GeneticVariation phenotype CLINVAR Functional consequences of the G235R mutation in liver arginase leading to hyperargininemia. 11883902 2002
Entrez Id: 383
Gene Symbol: ARG1
1.000 Biomarker phenotype BEFREE Herein we report a patient with arginase I (ARG1) deficiency who presented with recurrent nonconvulsive status epilepticus and liver failure. 29961243 2018
Entrez Id: 383
Gene Symbol: ARG1
1.000 CausalMutation phenotype CLINVAR Identification of a novel R21X mutation in the liver-type arginase gene (ARG1) in four Portuguese patients with argininemia. 10502833 1999
Entrez Id: 9439
Gene Symbol: MED23
0.100 CausalMutation phenotype CLINVAR Identification of a novel R21X mutation in the liver-type arginase gene (ARG1) in four Portuguese patients with argininemia. 10502833 1999
Entrez Id: 383
Gene Symbol: ARG1
1.000 CausalMutation phenotype CLINVAR Identification of mutations (D128G, H141L) in the liver arginase gene of patients with hyperargininemia. 7981719 1994
Entrez Id: 9439
Gene Symbol: MED23
0.100 CausalMutation phenotype CLINVAR Identification of mutations (D128G, H141L) in the liver arginase gene of patients with hyperargininemia. 7981719 1994
Entrez Id: 383
Gene Symbol: ARG1
1.000 Biomarker phenotype BEFREE In humans, arginase I (AI)-deficiency results in hyperargininemia, a metabolic disorder with symptoms of progressive neurological and intellectual impairment, spasticity, persistent growth retardation, and episodic hyperammonemia. 17997338 2008
Entrez Id: 383
Gene Symbol: ARG1
1.000 GeneticVariation phenotype BEFREE In order to investigate the molecular basis for argininemia in four unrelated Portuguese patients (two from northern Portugal and two from Madeira Island) we performed a DNA sequence analysis of all the exons and exon/intron boundaries of the liver-type arginase gene (ARG1). 10502833 1999
Entrez Id: 383
Gene Symbol: ARG1
1.000 GeneticVariation phenotype BEFREE In this article, we describe the results of molecular studies in a young hyperargininemia patient carrying a novel splicing mutation in ARG1. 26169240 2015
Entrez Id: 414
Gene Symbol: ARSD
0.010 GeneticVariation phenotype BEFREE Laboratory results and test scores from neuropsychological evaluations were assessed in 145 study participants, ages 3 years and older, with ASD (n = 64), ASA (n = 65) and ARGD (n = 16). 29423830 2018
Entrez Id: 383
Gene Symbol: ARG1
1.000 Biomarker phenotype CLINGEN Lethal phenotype in conditional late-onset arginase 1 deficiency in the mouse. 23920045 2013
Entrez Id: 383
Gene Symbol: ARG1
1.000 GeneticVariation phenotype CLINVAR Loss of function mutations in conserved regions of the human arginase I gene. 8902193 1996
Entrez Id: 383
Gene Symbol: ARG1
1.000 CausalMutation phenotype CLINVAR Loss of function mutations in conserved regions of the human arginase I gene. 8902193 1996
Entrez Id: 9439
Gene Symbol: MED23
0.100 CausalMutation phenotype CLINVAR Loss of function mutations in conserved regions of the human arginase I gene. 8902193 1996
Entrez Id: 9439
Gene Symbol: MED23
0.100 GeneticVariation phenotype CLINVAR Loss of function mutations in conserved regions of the human arginase I gene. 8902193 1996
Entrez Id: 383
Gene Symbol: ARG1
1.000 GeneticVariation phenotype BEFREE Molecular basis of argininemia. Identification of two discrete frame-shift deletions in the liver-type arginase gene. 2365823 1990
Entrez Id: 383
Gene Symbol: ARG1
1.000 Biomarker phenotype CLINGEN Molecular basis of argininemia. Identification of two discrete frame-shift deletions in the liver-type arginase gene. 2365823 1990
Entrez Id: 383
Gene Symbol: ARG1
1.000 GeneticVariation phenotype CLINVAR Molecular basis of phenotypic variation in patients with argininemia. 7649538 1995
Entrez Id: 383
Gene Symbol: ARG1
1.000 GeneticVariation phenotype UNIPROT Molecular basis of phenotypic variation in patients with argininemia. 7649538 1995
Entrez Id: 383
Gene Symbol: ARG1
1.000 CausalMutation phenotype CLINVAR Molecular basis of phenotypic variation in patients with argininemia. 7649538 1995
Entrez Id: 9439
Gene Symbol: MED23
0.100 GeneticVariation phenotype CLINVAR Molecular basis of phenotypic variation in patients with argininemia. 7649538 1995
Entrez Id: 9439
Gene Symbol: MED23
0.100 CausalMutation phenotype CLINVAR Molecular basis of phenotypic variation in patients with argininemia. 7649538 1995
Entrez Id: 383
Gene Symbol: ARG1
1.000 CausalMutation phenotype CLINVAR Molecular genetic study of human arginase deficiency. 1598908 1992