Gene Score gda Association Type Type Original DB Sentence supporting the association PMID PMID Year
Entrez Id: 1956
Gene Symbol: EGFR
0.050 Biomarker disease BEFREE Given the benefit of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) monoclonal antibodies in colorectal cancer (CRC), we sought to evaluate the efficacy of panitumumab in metastatic RAS wild-type small bowel adenocarcinoma (SBA) and ampullary adenocarcinoma (AAC). 29259073 2018
Entrez Id: 1956
Gene Symbol: EGFR
0.050 Biomarker disease BEFREE Anti epidermal growth factor receptor therapy in small bowel adenocarcinoma: Case report and literature review. 29505011 2018
Entrez Id: 1956
Gene Symbol: EGFR
0.050 Biomarker disease BEFREE Anti-EGFR targeted therapy could be applied to about two-thirds of small intestinal adenocarcinoma patients, namely those with wild-type KRAS and BRAF if they have metastatic disease, similar to colorectal cancer patients. 26892442 2016
Entrez Id: 1956
Gene Symbol: EGFR
0.050 Biomarker disease BEFREE Targeted therapy, against the angiogenic pathway or the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) pathway, for example, is not yet established, but seems promising given the over-expression of vascular epithelial growth factor (VEGF)-A or EGFR observed in SBA. 26547136 2016
Entrez Id: 1956
Gene Symbol: EGFR
0.050 Biomarker disease BEFREE EGFR gene amplification was assayed in 77 SIAs in micro-tissue array. 23644682 2013
Entrez Id: 2064
Gene Symbol: ERBB2
0.040 GeneticVariation disease BEFREE Two ERBB2-mutated (V842I and Y803H) cell lines were generated from SBA patient samples. 30352910 2019
Entrez Id: 2064
Gene Symbol: ERBB2
0.040 Biomarker disease BEFREE In clinical practice, this may suggest that more than 10% of the patients with SBA could be treated using an anti-ERBB2-targeted agent. 24797764 2014
Entrez Id: 2064
Gene Symbol: ERBB2
0.040 AlteredExpression disease BEFREE This large study suggests that molecular alterations in SBA are closer to those in colorectal cancer (CRC) than those in gastric cancer, with low levels of HER 2 overexpression and high frequencies of KRAS mutations. 24196786 2013
Entrez Id: 2064
Gene Symbol: ERBB2
0.040 Biomarker disease BEFREE Thus, routine immunohistochemical and/or FISH testing for HER2 for potential targeted anti-HER2 therapy may not be beneficial for patients with primary small intestinal adenocarcinoma. 21088150 2010
Entrez Id: 4292
Gene Symbol: MLH1
0.030 Biomarker disease BEFREE Small Bowel Adenocarcinoma Frequently Exhibits Lynch Syndrome-associated Mismatch Repair Protein Deficiency But Does Not Harbor Sporadic MLH1 Deficiency. 27258561 2017
Entrez Id: 3845
Gene Symbol: KRAS
0.030 GeneticVariation disease BEFREE Clinicopathologic and prognostic associations of KRAS and BRAF mutations in small intestinal adenocarcinoma. 26892442 2016
Entrez Id: 1499
Gene Symbol: CTNNB1
0.030 GeneticVariation disease BEFREE In conclusion, we established an SBA cell line with molecular characteristics similar to those of clinical SBA samples, including β-catenin deletion and mismatch repair protein deficiency, that will be useful for SBA research. 25478808 2015
Entrez Id: 3845
Gene Symbol: KRAS
0.030 GeneticVariation disease BEFREE Of the 4 SIAs positive for both MUC5AC and MUC2, 3 showed MSI-H (75%) and 3 were mucinous adenocarcinoma (75%).KRAS mutations were detected in 4 SIAs. 25759539 2015
Entrez Id: 3845
Gene Symbol: KRAS
0.030 GeneticVariation disease BEFREE This large study suggests that molecular alterations in SBA are closer to those in colorectal cancer (CRC) than those in gastric cancer, with low levels of HER 2 overexpression and high frequencies of KRAS mutations. 24196786 2013
Entrez Id: 1499
Gene Symbol: CTNNB1
0.030 Biomarker disease BEFREE In order to elucidate the molecular background of beta-catenin stabilization in small intestinal adenocarcinoma, we investigated 20 non-familial adenomatous polyposis coli (FAP)-associated tumours, including five microsatellite-unstable carcinomas for beta-catenin alterations, by immunohistochemistry, western blot analysis and sequence analysis on the RNA and DNA levels. 18491352 2008
Entrez Id: 4292
Gene Symbol: MLH1
0.030 PosttranslationalModification disease BEFREE Hypermethylation of hMLH1 and p14(ARF) was present in 23% and 9% of SB-AC, respectively. 16619216 2006
Entrez Id: 4292
Gene Symbol: MLH1
0.030 GeneticVariation disease BEFREE Cutaneous (eight sebaceous adenomas, one sebaceous carcinoma and one keratoacanthoma) and internal tumors (four colonic adenocarcinomas, two endometrial carcinomas, two transitional cell carcinomas of renal pelvis and ureter, one adenocarcinoma of the small bowel, one ovarian carcinoma and one colonic tubular adenoma) were obtained from six patients with MTS and were subjected to microsatellite instability (MI) analysis, and to immunostaining for MLH-1 and MSH-2. 12139636 2002
Entrez Id: 1499
Gene Symbol: CTNNB1
0.030 AlteredExpression disease BEFREE Abnormal expression of E-cadherin and beta-catenin was common and reflects an early alternative to APC in this pathway in which mutations may be found in adenocarcinoma of the small intestine. 11788563 2002
Entrez Id: 1029
Gene Symbol: CDKN2A
0.020 AlteredExpression disease BEFREE Multivariate survival analysis revealed that the combined loss of USP10 and p14ARF expression could be an independent prognostic factor for overall survival in small intestinal adenocarcinoma. 30375264 2018
Entrez Id: 7157
Gene Symbol: TP53
0.020 GeneticVariation disease BEFREE Exome data analysis revealed significantly mutated genes previously linked to SBA (TP53, KRAS, APC, SMAD4, and BRAF), recently reported potential driver genes (SOX9, ATM, and ARID2), as well as novel candidate driver genes, such as ACVR2A, ACVR1B, BRCA2, and SMARCA4. 29522538 2018
Entrez Id: 673
Gene Symbol: BRAF
0.020 Biomarker disease BEFREE Exome data analysis revealed significantly mutated genes previously linked to SBA (TP53, KRAS, APC, SMAD4, and BRAF), recently reported potential driver genes (SOX9, ATM, and ARID2), as well as novel candidate driver genes, such as ACVR2A, ACVR1B, BRCA2, and SMARCA4. 29522538 2018
Entrez Id: 4360
Gene Symbol: MRC1
0.020 AlteredExpression disease BEFREE We analyzed a consecutive series of 71 small bowel adenocarcinomas identified over an 8-year period for DNA mismatch repair (MMR) protein expression to (1) compare the clinicopathologic features of small bowel adenocarcinoma stratified into MMR-deficient (MMRD) and MMR-proficient (MMRP) groups and (2) examine the patterns of MMR protein expression in small bowel adenocarcinoma compared with colorectal carcinoma. 27258561 2017
Entrez Id: 673
Gene Symbol: BRAF
0.020 GeneticVariation disease BEFREE Clinicopathologic and prognostic associations of KRAS and BRAF mutations in small intestinal adenocarcinoma. 26892442 2016
Entrez Id: 5290
Gene Symbol: PIK3CA
0.020 GeneticVariation disease BEFREE The significance of PIK3CA mutation in SBA is unclear. 25908046 2015
Entrez Id: 5290
Gene Symbol: PIK3CA
0.020 AlteredExpression disease BEFREE The positive frequencies of PI3K and p-Akt expression were significantly higher in the SIA group (77.4%, 41/53 and 77.4%, 41/53, respectively) than that in the non-cancer group (36.4%, 4/11 and 27.3, 3/11, respectively) and normal small intestine tissue group (36.4%, 4/11 and 18.2, 2/11, respectively). 24240591 2013