Associated Disease N. genes N. variants N. of shared genes JI g p-value g N. of shared variants JI v p-value v
Noonan syndrome-like disorder with loose anagen hair
19 0 10 0.30 0 0
CUI: C0041409
Disease: Turner Syndrome, Male
Turner Syndrome, Male
11 0 8 0.30 0 0
CUI: C1527404
Disease: Female Pseudo-Turner Syndrome
Female Pseudo-Turner Syndrome
11 0 8 0.30 0 0
Noonan-Like Syndrome With Loose Anagen Hair
22 0 10 0.28 0 0
CUI: C4551602
Disease: Noonan Syndrome 1
Noonan Syndrome 1
23 83 10 0.27 3 3.4E-02
CUI: C4023385
Disease: Aplasia of the semicircular canal
Aplasia of the semicircular canal
16 0 8 0.25 0 0
CUI: C1275081
Disease: Cardio-facio-cutaneous syndrome
Cardio-facio-cutaneous syndrome
28 82 10 0.24 4 4.7E-02
CUI: C0855740
Disease: Abnormal platelet function
Abnormal platelet function
21 0 8 0.22 0 0
CUI: C1860991
11 0 6 0.21 0 0
CUI: C4020962
Disease: Enlarged thorax
Enlarged thorax
25 0 8 0.20 0 0
CUI: C1328931
Disease: Multiple lentigines
Multiple lentigines
13 12 6 0.19 1 5.6E-02
CUI: C4025749
Disease: Abnormality of the spleen
Abnormality of the spleen
26 0 8 0.19 0 0
CUI: C0175704
Disease: LEOPARD Syndrome
LEOPARD Syndrome
47 27 11 0.18 1 3.0E-02
Congenital malformation syndromes associated with short stature
9 0 5 0.18 0 0
CUI: C4023397
Disease: Abnormal hair quantity
Abnormal hair quantity
29 0 8 0.18 0 0
CUI: C1857539
Disease: Deep palmar crease
Deep palmar crease
23 8 7 0.17 1 7.1E-02
CUI: C1837732
Disease: Thickened helices
Thickened helices
37 3 9 0.17 1 0.11
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the abdominal wall musculature
32 0 8 0.17 0 0
CUI: C0153574
Disease: Malignant Uterine Corpus Neoplasm
Malignant Uterine Corpus Neoplasm
26 0 7 0.16 0 0
CUI: C0343073
Disease: Wooly hair
Wooly hair
19 0 6 0.16 0 0
CUI: C0175691
Disease: Dubowitz syndrome
Dubowitz syndrome
12 0 5 0.16 0 0
Pectus excavatum of inferior sternum
5 0 4 0.16 0 0
CUI: C4073145
Disease: Hyperkeratosis pilaris
Hyperkeratosis pilaris
5 3 4 0.16 1 0.11
CUI: C0587248
Disease: Costello syndrome (disorder)
Costello syndrome (disorder)
50 0 10 0.16 0 0
CUI: C0206620
Disease: Lymphangioma, Cystic
Lymphangioma, Cystic
43 0 9 0.16 0 0