KITLG, KIT ligand, 4254

N. diseases: 249; N. variants: 23
Source: ALL
Disease Score gda Association Type Type Original DB Sentence supporting the association PMID PMID Year
CUI: C0025202
Disease: melanoma
0.030 GeneticVariation disease BEFREE Overall, we conclude that most nevus genes affect melanoma risk (KITLG an exception), while many melanoma risk loci do not alter nevus count. 30429480 2018
CUI: C0025202
Disease: melanoma
0.030 AlteredExpression disease BEFREE Average tumor thickness was 6.95 mm, 63% were ulcerated, average mitotic index was 5 mitotic cells per mm, and 43% were at Clark's level V. Compared with nevi, the χ test showed that ALM significantly correlated with SCF protein expression (P = 0.001) and expression heterogeneity (P < 0.000). 28134728 2017
CUI: C0025202
Disease: melanoma
0.030 Biomarker disease LHGDN Roles of stem cell factor/c-Kit and effects of Glivec/STI571 in human uveal melanoma cell tumorigenesis. 15145934 2004