CUI Disease Vocabulary Name in Vocabulary Code
C0860158 Leydig Cell Hypoplasia MONDO Leydig cell hypoplasia 0019155
C0860158 Leydig Cell Hypoplasia MSH Leydig Cell Agenesis C562567
C0860158 Leydig Cell Hypoplasia MSH Leydig Cell Hypoplasia C562567
C0860158 Leydig Cell Hypoplasia MSH Leydig Cell Hypoplasia, Type II C562567
C0860158 Leydig Cell Hypoplasia MSH Luteinizing Hormone Resistance, Female C562567
C0860158 Leydig Cell Hypoplasia MSH 46,XY Disorder of Sex Development Due To LH Defects C562567
C0860158 Leydig Cell Hypoplasia ORDO Leydig cell hypoplasia 755